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Executive Editor
Travis D. Breaux, CIPT
Official textbook for the CIPT program.
“An Introduction to Privacy for Technology Professionals” is an official textbook of the IAPP’s Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT) program. It addresses how privacy and technology intersect and examines critical areas of concern in the industry. This textbook provides technology professionals with key concepts and techniques to use throughout the entire data life cycle to help navigate the rapidly changing privacy landscape.
Topics covered
- The impact of privacy on engineering.
- Incorporating privacy into risk analyses.
- The role of encryption and nonrepudiation in building solutions.
- Concepts of identifiability and anonymity.
- The impact of privacy on tracking and surveillance.
- Usable and useful privacy interfaces.
- Concepts of interference and other privacy harms.
- The roles and management of privacy governance.
- The integration of security and privacy.
Lujo Bauer; Chris Clifton; Lorrie Faith Cranor, CIPT; Simson L. Garfinkel, CIPP/US; David Gordon; David James Marcos, CIPM, CIPT; Aaron Massey; Florian Schaub, CIPP/US, CIPT; Stuart S. Shapiro, CIPP/G, CIPP/US; Manya Sleeper; Blase Ur
Publish date: 2020
Format: Print
Printed page count: 436